Shopping Help

How to order

When you see a product you like simply click on the 'add to basket' button to add this to your shopping basket.

At any time you can click on 'view basket'. This option will allow you to view and change your selections.

You can click on the 'view basket' button at the top of each page at any time.
You can update the quantities of an item or remove it completely from your basket.

When you have finished shopping, click on the 'checkout' button and you will then be asked for your delivery details and then directed to a secure area to make your payment.

Shopping here is very flexible. When you get to the checkout you can:

  • Change your mind
  • Add more things to the shopping basket
  • Change any of the items

How to pay

The G&B Projects Company web site allows you to order directly over the internet in a few easy steps.

You will need your credit or debit card details to hand, when you start to order.

Please contact us if you wish to order by another method.

You will receive an email confirmation of your order and payment if you order online.

Postage and packaging

See Delivery


See Delivery

Product descriptions

We have taken great care to make sure that product descriptions and specifications are correct. However, we reserve the right to make any changes, technical or otherwise to product specifications.


Prices are subject to change without notice.

Cancellation and returns policy

Cancellations will not be accepted for orders manufactured to meet customer’s requirements.

This includes where a quantity larger than that normally held in stock has been manufactured.

Cancellations will not be accepted in cases where goods have already been dispatched.

This does not apply to faulty or incorrectly supplied goods where your statutory rights are unaffected.

Privacy - our mailing list

Our policy is to respect the privacy of our customers. We do not make our mailing list available to any other company. Please read our Privacy Statement.

Customer services and complaints

Our contact telephone number for customer services and any complaints is +44 1684 574367. Our fax number is +44 1684 560225 Alternatively, you may write to us at G&B Projects Company, Barnards Green, Malvern, Worcestershire WR14 3LY England. You can send an email to us at

If you have any problems with your credit/debit card numbers on our shop checkout, please contact your bank/card-issuer.